Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of the COVID-19 Response in the Africa Region

Fri, 01/06/2023


Paul Miles Schneider

KU’s World Health Organization Collaborating Centre worked with partners at the WHO Regional Office for Africa to monitor and evaluate the COVID-19 response with partners in African countries. The KU Center team, led by senior advisor Stephen Fawcett and doctoral student Ruaa Hassaballa, were co-authors of the recently published “Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of the COVID-19 Response in the Africa Region” in the journal Health Promotion Practice. This project helped build the capacity of WHO and country partners to systematically reflect on patterns in the COVID-19 response and identify lessons learned and implications for practice. A case example of the COVID-19 response in Senegal was featured in this report. KU’s WHO Collaborating Centre is a program of the Center for Community Health and Development at KU.

Obtain the article via open access here.

Stephen Fawcett and Ruaa Hassaballa with the WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health and Development logo.

Fri, 01/06/2023


Paul Miles Schneider