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KU Researchers Lead Effort to Monitor, Evaluate COVID-19 Response in 47 African Countries

The project — in partnership with the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa — is led by the CCHD, a designated WHO Collaborating Centre since 2004. The monitoring system is designed to capture and communicate CO

Health Summit Panel Discussion Hosted by the KU Center

Stephen Fawcett, senior advisor for the KU Center, facilitated a panel discussion about the state of public health in Kansas. From his left, panelists were: Dr. Robert Moser, executive director of the KU Health System Collaborative; Dr. Bob St.

KU’s WHO Collaborating Centre at the Regional Meeting of Mayors in Santiago de Cuba

Steve Fawcett represented KU’s WHO Collaborating Centre at the Regional Meeting of Mayors from Healthy Municipalities in the Americas, held in Santiago de Cuba on 6-7 November 2018. Pictured with Dr.

Media Contacts

Christina M. Holt
Assistant Director